Lecco is one of those cities that will make you wonder about the existence of paradise, the atmosphere you will breath here is unique.
The clear mountain waters merge with the rocks of the beautiful mountains that surround the city of Lecco and you will love that.
The historic center, which extends close to the shore of the lake, is rich in architecture, monuments, churches, and gardens.
If you are visiting during Christmas it will be very magic to be in this town, and if you are there for the summer you will be able to enjoy a nice nightlife and the people going on the beaches along the lake.
The famous poet Alessandro Manzoni who written The Promessi Sposi was inspired by this city to start his famous romance.
If you are ready to discover a beautiful city that will give you the chance to see beautiful landscapes and nature Lecco is for you.
Lecco What To Do
It is pretty easy to guess but you might want to start your tour of Lecco by walking on the shores of the lake that surrounds the city.
This is a very beautiful walk and you will enjoy a lot taking pictures of the view and maybe some selfies with the mountains in the background.
In the city center, you will find also the Belltower of San Nicolo which is a tower tall the same as the big ben in London 314 feet (96 meters).
Not a lot of people decide to visit Lecco but I find it a very attractive city and should pass pay and visit if you have time for sure.
The Azzone Visconti bridge, also known as the Ponte Vecchio of Lecco, is one of the symbols of the city. Built between 1336 and 1338 on the Adda river, it is one of the nicest examples of engineering of the time.
Palazzo Delle Paure is a museum where you can find the local and international contemporary art and the history of the great exploits on the mountains of Lecco.
Pescarenico is the area where most of the lake fishermen spend their time fishing and this is the place where Manzoni got inspired the most.
Walking around this area is always a nice idea and you should definitely walk a little bit and talk to the people in Pescarenico.
Some other monuments and museum worth a visit are:
Santuario Della Nostra Signora Vittoria,
Villa Manzoni,
Palazzo Belgioioso,
Piani D’Erna,
Foce del Bione,
Castello dell’Innominato,
Eremo di San Gerolamo,
Monte Barra,
Parco Naturale Monte Barra.
Food In Lecco
There is a lot of good food in Italy and Lecco is another great city where you can sit on a table at a restaurant and eat awesome food.
There are many traditional dishes in the city but definitely the polenta with mushrooms and sausages is one of the top dishes in the city.
The mountains and the cold are often something characteristic of this city and a warm polenta dish is always a nice idea.
Polenta E Salciccia E Funghi
The Cassoeula, which is usually prepared at the beginning of fall is made with basic ingredients like the cabbage and the poor parts of the pig such as legs, rinds, ribs, head and savoy cabbage.
As for the desserts, we mention the torta Miascia, the Paradell, a sugar-coated pancake, Caviadini, shortbread biscuits, and granulated sugar.
If you want to check out some recipes here is a good link of these plates:
Torta Resegone,
Burro Giallo,
Minestrone Brianzolo,
Spinaci in Agrodolce,
Torta paradiso.
Lecco is an awesome city located in one of the nicest lakes in Lombardy, here you will be able to find a nice and clean city and a lot of attractions.
The most important squares and things to see are listed on this guide of Lecco on this article, and if you are interested you can go visit them.
Lecco is a city with not a lot of tourists and if you are smart about you will be able to enjoy this beautiful place a lot.
There are many dishes that you can taste and probably the most popular dish is called Polenta with mushroom and sausage.
Many restaurants are pretty cheap outside of the city center and you can find Menu Fisso for 13 Euros for instance and eat great Italian food.
The city is very interesting during the wintertime, many Christmas stores and a lot of mountains can be skied in the Area.
I hope that you have a bit of interest now in visiting this beautiful city and that you will spend some time roaming in the city center and on the lake shores of this city.
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