Massa Carrara is a city that I have discovered while making this website and definitely it will be my next trip to somewhere.
I love it when you can see the mountains and the beach simultaneously, Massa Carrara is one of these cities.
You can go on the beach drinking something good and look at the mountains in the background.
Or you can go to the mountains and eating a sandwich on a bench that overlooks the awesome Tyrrhenian sea.
The winter you can see the snow and the beautiful white marbles from the beach, that’s insanely beautiful!
Massa Carrara is also famous for their prestigious marbles called marbles of Carrara. It is a beautiful white marble that is exported worldwide and very expensive.
Massa and Carrara are actually two different cities, Massa is the city that is on the Riviera Apuana meanwhile Carrara is the city where you can find most of the marbles.
The Carrara waterfront is definitely an awesome walk you want to do if you are in town, it is very beautiful because of the mountains in the background.
Downtown Carrara is medieval and you can find many nice buildings from the middle ages. There are many palaces and museums you can visit.
The Duomo of Carrara made with the prestigious marbles from Carrara is a masterpiece of architecture. Outside it looks stunning and inside as well it is cool.
You definitely want to go visit the quarries of Massa Carrara that have been used since Roman times, to extract the white marbles.
During the Renaissance, Michelangelo went there to choose the marbles for his masterpieces.
You can book a tour with the jeeps from one quarry to another on dirt and marble roads. Otherwise, the tour can be done on foot by visiting only some of the quarries.
La Fortezza di Malaspina is one of the most popular fortresses you can visit in the area, it is a castle with a beautiful view.
Some other monuments and museum worth a visit are:
The city center as we can see in the picture above is quite interesting and nice. Castles and walls are dominating the city and giving a medieval look.
If you are in town you should walk around and get lost on the small roads and eat in some traditional restaurants.
Massa Carrara is another great city if you are looking for food. Italy is great, every city you go you will find the best food of your life.
The most famous food from Massa Carrara is called lardo di Colonnata, which is basically fat like butter, but this kind of fat is actually demonstrated to be a good kind of fat.
The process to make Lardo di Colonnata is 6 months long and the taste of this fat on food is the best ever.
Another dish that you can find only in this province is Lasagnette Stordellate. Which are basically a kind of lasagna that comes with tomato sauce and a different kind of shape and taste from the traditional Lasagne.
Ravioli di castagne, ravioli with chestnuts is another awesome plate from the area together with i panigacci.
Polenta e stoccafisso is another dish from the area, polenta is traditional from the mountains and stoccafisso is a fish that is kept soaking in salt for months.
If you want to check out some recipes here is a good link of these plates:
Massa Carrara are two different cities in Tuscany, Massa and Carrara, they are together as a province because of both quite small and important at the same time.
The most important things about these cities are the marble caves and lardo di Colonnata, a prestiguois fat used for the elite cousine.
If you are in the area you should definitely spend some time at the beach and look at the mountains and the marbles caves from there, or visiting the multiple castles and fortresses on the hills to have a beautiful view.
If you are interested in food Massa and Carrara are both awesome and they have traditional dishes and cheap prices.
The tour on the marble caves is kind of mandatory, you will be able to see some of the most prestigious marble caves in the world from a jeep.
If you are looking for a few days relax and enjoy the Italian lifestyle massa and Carrara are the cities for you.
There are also many beautiful Borghi in the area you should visit.
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