Oristano, is located pretty close to from the sea on the west coast of Sardinia and it is an ideal gateway to the beauty of the area made of basaltic hills (plateaus) and beautiful beaches, lakes, and hills.
The city of Oristano has a lot of history, the city comes from the long history and the fusion of three cities: Tharros the city the Phoenician city on the sea.
The province of Oristano, whose variety of landscapes showcases splendid sandy beaches, spectacular limestone cliffs, green hills covered with forests and the famous nuraghi is beautiful.
People living there always tell that they love it and that they will never leave for another city.
You can visit Oristano at any time, in fact in the summer you will be able to go to the best beaches ever, and in the winter you will be able to see the beauty of the city and the museums.
The main square of Oristano is called Piazza Eleonora and from there you will be able to see a monument dedicated to the Giudicessa Eleonora d’Arborea and some of the most important buildings of the city of Oristano.
If you are going to visit this area you should start from the city center and then roaming around the beautiful beaches and coastline hikes you can do in the area.
The Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta is a beautiful cathedral in the center of Oristano and inside there are small restored 14th-century Gothic chapels and numerous works of art, including the wooden statue of the 14th century Annunciation.
The Tower of San Cristoforo is a 19 meters high tower built on three superimposed floors, on the first two doors opened that connected it to the walkway and present two defense slits.
If you love the beach you need to pay a visit to Spiaggia di Mari Ermi!
A long stretch of white and golden sand that is very low in the first steps in the water and then very deep it makes a nice effect on the crystalline water.
The beaches in Oristano are insanely awesome, they look better than the ones on the most beautiful beaches in the world.
Al the beaches in the area have nothing to envy to beaches in the Maldives or Australia.
Some other monuments and museum worth a visit are:
In the province of Oristano, there is an abandoned town that was used for western movies.
San Salvatore Sinis today is a real western village in the heart of Sardinia, with the saloon and the remains of the scenarios lent as the location of spaghetti-western films.
There are many traditional dishes from Oristano, and here instead of listing a pasta dish or some meat or fish we are going to talk about a dessert.
A typical dessert from Oristano is called Mostacciolo, and as you can tell from the name (Mosto) it means that needs to be eaten as a dip with wine.
If you like wine and sweets this is the best dessert of your life, in fact, you can find mostaccioli pretty much anywhere in the city of Nuoro.
Spaghetti con Aragosta all’Oristanese is another typical dish from Oristano, the lobster is cooked slowly and added to the spaghetti together with a lot of different spices and flavors.
Acciughe al Pomodoro are a very typical Sardinian dish, if you like anchovies this is definitely something that you want to try out.
If you want to check out some recipes here is a good link of these plates:
Oristano is a beautiful town located pretty close to the beach and a lot of interesting other cities in Sardinia.
If you are looking for a place that you can visit in any season and enjoy the good food and the mild climate all year long Oristano is the place for you.
In the summer you will be able to visit some of the nicest beaches in the world and in the winter you will still be able to see the beach and a lot of beautiful arts and churches in the city center of Oristano.
The city is pretty small and it can be easily discovered in a day or two. The surroundings thought are full of interesting things that are definitely worth a road trip.
In Sardinia the public transportation is very bad, I always advise you to go rent a car somewhere. It is a lot of fun to drive around the beauty and wilderness of this Italian region called Sardegna.
I hope that you likes this short review of Oristano and that something clicked in you and you decided to go visit this place.
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