Sud Sardegna is a rather new province that was established in 2016 and that has for capital the city of Carbonia.
It is one of the few provinces in Italy where it is not a city that makes the province but an entire region that makes it.
This decision was probably made to protect the beautiful beaches and incredible sea of this region that needs to have their own province.
This province is full of beautiful and not known cities that are worth a visit, especially during the summer season.
If you are looking for some relax and being surrounded by some of the most beautiful waters in the world, Sud Sardegna is the place to be.
There are beaches that would make you think of the tropics with their clear water and white sand and wild uncontaminated nature.
If you just landed on this beautiful island called Sardinia you definitely want to check out the province of Sud Sardegna.
This is not the name of a specific city but is just the whole south of Sardinia without the province of Cagliari.
The most popular cities in this region are Villasimius and Villputzu, and the mountain Barbagia is one of the most popular mountains in the region.
For the rest, we can go traveling around the province with no fear of not finding interesting cities and beautiful landscapes.
Something that will strike you the most is the presence of some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
Just to mention some of these beaches we can talk about Su Giudeu, Sa Colonia, Cala del Morto, Cala Cipolla.
The coast road that connects Chia to Porto Pino is one of the most beautiful roads in Sardinia. There is no way that you will travel to Sardinia without road-tripping on this beautiful road.
Some other cities worth a visit are:
If you want to check out a list of the most beautiful Borghi in Sardinia this article is the only one I have found and is written in Italian.
In Sud Sardegna you can find a lot of dishes and awesome food, one of these dishes is the fake carbonara from Sardinia.
Instead of using bacon, to make the Carbonara pasta in Sardinia they are using guanciale di Ploaghe e crema di Giglio Sardo with saffron.
This simple pasta dish can be found in many places in Sardinia and they are bragging about being better than the traditional carbonara dish.
The seafood is also something awesome in this region surrounded by some of the best seawaters in the world.
All the fish that you will eat in this region are cooked and served very good that you will finally understand why Italy is the best place in the world to eat.
Zuppa di Pesce Alla Casteddaia is another great dish made with a ton of fish and cooked slowly so that they are making what they call Brodetto di Pesce.
If you want to check out some recipes here is a good link of these plates:
The south of Sardinia is a new province that you can visit in any season but that in the summer is magic because of the beautiful beaches you will find in this region.
There are a lot of little cities and Borghi that I have mentioned before that is worth your time. For instance the town of Villasimius, and the borgo of Nora.
If you like to go to the beach it is recommended that you visit this region in the summer, it would be a pity not to go into the water and have a bath.
If you like history and beautiful buildings you can visit the surrounding cities and have a lot of fun with the awesome food you will find in the local stores and restaurants.
I hope that you are now motivated to visit this beautiful island called Sardinia in Italy and that your trip will be awesome here.
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