Vibo Valentia is a city that is facing one of the most awesome seas in the world and a coastline called Costa Degli Dei.
The territory of the province consists mainly of hills that wind from the mountain and plunge in a beautiful sea.
There are not so many things and tourists that are visiting this place, but still, if you are a great traveler you want to go visit this place as well.
The historic center of Vibo Valentia is worth a visit and even more so is the Costa Degli Dei where there are beautiful beaches and some of the most popular seaside resorts in the region.
If you are ready to discover all the best places to go to Vibo and what to eat while there you are in the right place to be.
Vibo Valentia is squeezed between the Gulf of Sant’Eufemia and Gioia Tauro and is the smallest province in Calabria.
We are just north of Tropea and only a few minutes from the Tyrrhenian Sea, on which Vibo overlooks with the village of Vibo Valentia Marina and Pizzo Calabro.
The city is also not too far from Tropea which is very popular for the onion of Tropea and having some o the nicest beaches in the world.
We can start our tour from the Cathedral of Vibo Valentia built on the remains of a Byzantine church. Inside is an important altar with the statue of the Madonna Della Neve.
The Ruins of Hippónion are the remains of an ancient Doric temple and the ancient ruins of the city are visible.
Castello Svevo Normanno over the centuries has undergone several changes and damages, it still remains very standing, although one of the reasons why many visits it is the view that from here is wonderful and ranges from gulfs on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
The surroundings of Vibo Valentia are even better than the city in fact Vibo is not a very popular place to visit and there is not a lot of stuff to see.
The best way to move around is by car and go visit some of the most beautiful cities like Tropea and Pizzo Calabro and Marina di Zambrone.
Some other monuments and museum worth a visit are:
There are so many interesting dishes in Calabria and here I want to talk about the Fileja, this is a kind of pasta made with special wheat and topped up with some delicious sauces.
In Vibo Valentia, you will eat the best Fileja in the world and you can try it out in the restaurants or even in little grocery stores in the city center.
The picture below looks very good and this kind of food, in fact, is very good for real, all you have to do is to try it out.
Pasta con Ricci di mare is another great pasta dish made with sea urchins if you like seafood this is definitely something you need to eat.
There are many restaurants on the beach in the places I have mentioned before and you should also try the Cipolla Di Tropea which is considered to be the best quality of onion in the world.
If you want to check out some recipes here is a good link of these plates:
Vibo Valentia is definitely not the best place to be visiting if you are in Italy, but still what makes this place awesome are the towns nearby.
In fact, this is called the coast of the gods (Costa Degli Dei), there you will find some of the most important cities in Calabria such as Tropea, Pizzo Calabro and many other places I have mentioned before.
Visiting the city center is quite easy and fast, there is not so much to see apart from the castle and a few more things.
What you should do is grab a car and road trip on the Costa Degli Dei discovering beautiful landscapes and going to the beach if you are there for the summer.
I hope that you have some interest in visiting this place now and that this guide of Vibo Valentia was helpful.
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