Fermo is one of the least visited cities in the region Marche, this city is located in a beautiful position and it should grab some of your attention.
The maritime location of Fermo is called Porto San Giorgio meanwhile if you like the mountains and the hills on the other side you can find the Monte Gilberto and the Monti Sibillini.
Fermo and its province deserve people to go visit some of its beauties and some of the best wines in the region.
Fermo is a city of art and culture, with a historic center full of treasures that you don’t want to miss.
If you are ready to discover this city I am going to tell you where to go and what to eat in Fermo Italy.
My best advice is to rent a car to visit this area because apart from Fermo there are a lot of cities that surround this town that is fantastic.
We can start our tour of the city of Fermo from Piazza Del Popolo, this is the main square of the city and this is where the people meet up and the coolest buildings can be seen.
On this square, you can find Palazzo Dei Priori and the Civil Art Gallery which exhibits and preserves paintings from the Marche and Veneto schools.
The Roman cisterns of Fermo are a huge complex built around the 1st century. d.C and include 30 large underground rooms still intact that were used to collect and purify rainwater.
Near the Roman cisterns, there is the church of San Domenico and you should take a moment to visit this beautiful church and its 15th-century wooden choir.
Piazzale Girfalco is the best place in town if you like landscapes and nice views, in fact from here you will get the best view of the city and the surrounding area.
Corso di Fermo is the main shopping street in the city and a lot of people spend time chatting and buying useless stuff for themselves on this road.
If you like the beach and you are visiting during the summer you can go to Porto Sant’Elpidio and Porto San Giorgio.
These are the nicest location in the nearby area and palm trees and beautiful landscapes surrounded by the Appennini will make the stay pleasant.
You can go also to visit one of the nicest Borghi of Italy called Moresco, with the characteristic heptagonal tower, which dominates the Aso valley, hosts several exhibitions during the summer; and together with the walls, it frames a suggestive historical center.
Some other monuments and museum worth a visit are:
There are plenty of traditional dishes in this town as well, a dish that seems just pasta but is not is called Maccheroncini Di Campofilone.
This is a traditional pasta made with eggs and meat ragú meat cooked slowly in wine. If you like Ragú Alla bolognese you will love this dish as well.
You can find many other radical dishes in the restaurants and this one is definitely a must-try if you are in town for a day or two.
The Coniglio in Porchetta is another dish that can be found all over Italy but that excels here in Fermo. This is rabbit meat that is removed from bones and marinated with spices and filled with prosciutto.
The Zuppa di Cicerchia made with a legume called Cicerchia that grows only in the area, is a very interesting meal great in proteins and carbohydrates.
If you want to check out some recipes here is a good link of these plates:
Fermo is a very interesting city that is located nearby the sea and some of the nicest mountains in central Italy.
The city is not well promoted and not a lot of tourists are visiting this beautiful town. In this article, we have talked about some of the nicest places to see if you are in the area.
The city is very recommended if you have in mind to go visit some cities and Borghi in the area nearby. If you like the beach and the mountains this city is located just in between the mountains and a nice sea so you will not have to choose just one.
If you are interested you can go to the city center tourist office to get more information about the city and how to move around.
The best way to travel around Italy is by using the car and road tripping, getting lost and eating in places where there are no tourists.
There are many traditional dishes from Fermo and I have listed some tasty dishes you could try if you are going to visit this city.
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